General difficulties related to data query and data displaying
Incident Report for Fluid Attacks


An unknown number of users found problems related to outdated, missing, and incorrectly displayed data in various parts of the Platform, such as ToDo tabs, vulnerability search, indicators, and ToE. The issue started on UTC-5 22-08-02 17:00 and was reactively discovered 15.4 months (TTD) later by a customer who reported through our help desk [1] that he found inconsistencies with findings' indicators. The problem was resolved in 8.1 days (TTF) resulting in a total impact of 15.7 months (TTR).


The Platform uses advanced filters that rely on a search engine fueled by data from the database through specific software. This implementation's approach proved unreliable, causing multiple failures and periods of service disruption [2].


The engineering team opted to implement a change in approach, transitioning to AWS Lambda [3].


The issue arose in production due to the initial adoption of an approach that proved suboptimal, failing to seamlessly integrate with our repository's continuous deployment dynamics. With the new implementation operating smoothly, the team is actively investing efforts in refining the technical decision-making process to anticipate and effectively address similar changes in the future. INCOMPLETE_PERSPECTIVE

Posted Nov 20, 2023 - 10:39 GMT-05:00

The incident has been resolved and the Fluid Attacks Platform is now working normally.
Posted Nov 17, 2023 - 09:15 GMT-05:00
The team is currently performing the service migration. The affected areas of the Platform are gradually returning to their normal operating status.
Posted Nov 16, 2023 - 17:11 GMT-05:00
The team has completed the necessary preparations and will proceed with a progressive service migration.
Posted Nov 15, 2023 - 15:27 GMT-05:00
The team is planning and preparing a service migration. We keep working to solve this problem.
Posted Nov 14, 2023 - 08:14 GMT-05:00
The team has made some changes to mitigate the impact. We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Posted Nov 10, 2023 - 14:53 GMT-05:00
Difficulties are being experienced with data analysis and search, impacting different areas of the Fluid Attacks Platform.
Posted Nov 09, 2023 - 08:36 GMT-05:00
This incident affected: Platform.